
You are on your way to experiencing Tarot in a whole new way.
Every TarotBox features a tarot deck paired with items to enhance that decks energies. Also a Booklet with instruction, exclusive to TarotBox and nowhere else offered, with card spread, ritual or activity specifically created for the featured deck. Exercises are meant to spark your intuition and creativity.  Using all your senses, discover, play and learn with TarotBox.
Two TarotBoxes to choose from -        the Full Experience and the Deck Only. 
 Full Experience TarotBox includes Tarot deck with deck bag, spread cloth or wrap and Booklet. Along with ritual or altar items such as stones/crystals, herbs, incense, candles and other items coordinating to the decks energies. All items custom curated to complement the deck perfectly. Some items are handcrafted and unique to TarotBox. Item count 4 - 8. 
Deck Only includes the featured Tarot deck, Booklet and bonus item.